Mayfield Group Holdings Limited (ASX:MYG) views sustainability as our ability to compete without depleting future resources; whether human, natural or the environment.
- Simon Higgins (Chairperson – Independent, Non-executive)
- Andrew Rowe (Managing Director)
- Susan Chase AM (Director - Independent, Non-executive)
- Alan Steele (Director - Non-executive)
- Lindsay Phillips (Director - Non-executive)
Officers & Managers
- Carel Boshoff (CFO, Chief Risk Officer, alternate Company Secretary)
- Brett Crowley (Named Company Secretary)
Managers of Subsidiaries
- Chris Ware - General Manager, Mayfield Industries Pty Ltd
- John Tinline - General Manager, Mayfield Services Pty Ltd
- Garry O'Donahoo - General Manager, ATI Australia Pty Ltd
“How our authority is exercised and controlled”
Board Charters and Codes
Define the roles, responsibilities and conduct of the Board:
MGH Board Charter
MGH Code of Conduct
MGH Nomination and Remuneration Charter
MGH Audit And Risk Committee Charter
Corporate Governance
The Corporate Governance Statement reflects Mayfield Group Holdings' commitment to the ASX Corporate Governance Principles and meeting our reporting requirements.
The Anti-Bribery and Corruption Policy reflects Mayfield Group Holdings' commitment against bribery and corruption within the workplace.
Risk Management
The Board recognises effective risk management promotes business performance and regulatory compliance. A documented Board Risk Policy and Risk Appetite Statement assist the Company make informed decisions by considering material business risks.
Disclosure & Feedback
The Board Disclosure and Communication Policy promotes investor confidence and the rights of shareholders. The Board strives to comply with the continuous disclosure requirements of the ASX listing rules and Corporations Act.
The company seeks feedback through an anonymous, annual Employee Engagement Survey and shares the results and proposed actions with employees.
We encourage reporting of fraudulent, unsafe, inappropriate or unethical behaviour through our Whistleblower Policy and make such reporting convenient and anonymous through a Confidential Whistleblower Channel.

- All subsidiaries of Mayfield Group Holdings Limited have a published environment policy that expresses the commitment to manage and reduce their impacts on the environment.
- Our manufacturing and service businesses are certified to ISO14001 environment management or have committed to a date of attainment.
Climate Change
- Mayfield Group Holdings recognises the shared global responsibility to combat the human effect on climate change and wishes to play our part by acting locally.
- We believe fossil fuels will continue to be part of Australia’s energy portfolio for the foreseeable future and that we have a role in their emissions reduction.
- We believe that the contribution of renewable energy will continue to grow and with this transmission networks will become more complex and interconnected.
- We are inspired by the direct contribution of our products and services to lowering emissions in today’s energy intensive communities.

Our employees
- MGH fosters the belief that an injury-free workplace can be achieved.
- We strive for a culture of respect, where all employees feel safe and included.
- We believe in fair and equitable remuneration that attracts and retains the employees we need to serve our Customers and achieve our business goals.
- We believe that visible diversity drives ideas and ideas drive innovation. MGH Diversity Policy
Our customers
- MGH fosters the belief that a workplace where all Customer promises are kept can be achieved.
- More than products and services, we are driven to provide solutions for our Customers.
- We value and respect our long-term Customer partnerships.
- All subsidiary companies have an externally certified ISO quality management system.
Our communities
- MGH seeks long-term relationships with qualified suppliers.
- We appreciate our Suppliers and recognise our responsibility to meet our payment obligations.
- We support local and Australian businesses wherever possible.
- We acknowledge our communities as stakeholders, recognising that we will be judged by our actions and contributions.